Allowing the User to Specify Devices and Files
You can associate a device or file with an existing MCIWnd window by using the
MCIWndOpen, and
MCIWndOpenInterface macros, and the
GetOpenFileNamePreview function.
To let a user of your application select a file to play, use
MCIWndOpenDialog. This macro displays the
Open dialog box (shown following) for choosing a file and associates the selected
file with the current MCIWnd window.
You can let a user of your application select a file to associate with an
MCIWnd window and preview that file by using
GetOpenFileNamePreview and
MCIWndOpen. The
GetOpenFileNamePreview function displays the
Open dialog box for choosing a file and lets the user preview (play) its contents.
When the name of an existing file is specified in the dialog box,
GetOpenFileNamePreview provides a small control to let the user preview the contents of the file.
You can associate a specified file, selected with
GetOpenFileNamePreview or specified in another manner, with an MCIWnd window by using
You can also use
MCIWndOpen to specify a device to associate with an MCIWnd window. For example, you can
use a device name, such as "CDAudio".
To associate an MCIWnd window with a file interface or data-stream interface
to multimedia data, use the
MCIWndOpenInterface macro. For more information about file and data-stream interfaces, see
AVIFile Functions and Macros.
Note Before associating a new file or device with an MCIWnd window,
MCIWndOpenDialog and
MCIWndOpen close any device currently associated with the window. Your application does
not need to close any open devices before using these macros.
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