Changing the Playback State

The following examples show how to use the pause, resume, stop, and seek commands.

// Assume the file was opened with the alias 'movie'.

// Pause play.

mciSendString("pause movie", NULL, 0, NULL);

// Resume play.

mciSendString("resume movie", NULL, 0, NULL);

// Stop play.

mciSendString("stop movie", NULL, 0, NULL);

// Seek to the beginning.

mciSendString("seek movie to start", NULL, 0, NULL);

The following example shows how to change the seek mode:

// Set seek mode with the string interface.

// Assume the file was opened with the alias 'movie'.

  • oid SetSeekMode(BOOL fExact)


if (fExact)

mciSendString("set movie seek exactly on", NULL, 0, NULL);


mciSendString("set movie seek exactly off", NULL, 0, NULL);


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