Generating Four-Character Codes

You can use the mmioFOURCC macro or the mmioStringToFOURCC function to generate four-character codes. The following example uses mmioFOURCC to generate a four-character code for "WAVE".

FOURCC fourccID;




fourccID = mmioFOURCC('W', 'A', 'V', 'E');

The following example uses mmioStringToFOURCC to generate a four-character code for "WAVE".

FOURCC fourccID;




fourccID = mmioStringToFOURCC("WAVE", 0);

The second parameter in mmioStringToFOURCC specifies flags for converting the string to a four-character code. If you specify the MMIO_TOUPPER flag, mmioStringToFOURCC converts all alphabetic characters in the string to uppercase. This is useful when you need to specify a four-character code to identify a custom I/O procedure because four-character codes identifying file-extension names must be all uppercase.

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