The ICCOMPRESSFRAMES structure contains compression parameters used with the ICM_COMPRESS_FRAMES_INFO message. typedef struct { DWORD dwFlags; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiOutput; LPARAM lOutput; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiInput; LPARAM lInput; LONG lStartFrame; LONG lFrameCount; LONG lQuality; LONG lDataRate; LONG lKeyRate; DWORD dwRate; DWORD dwScale; DWORD dwOverheadPerFrame; DWORD dwReserved2; LONG (CALLBACK* GetData) (LPARAM lInput, LONG lFrame,LPVOID lpBits, LONG len); LONG (CALLBACK* PutData) (LPARAM lInput, LONG lFrame,
LPVOID lpBits, LONG len); } ICCOMPRESSFRAMES; Members dwFlags Applicable flags. The following value is defined: ICDECOMPRESSFRAMES_PADDING Padding is used with the frame. lpbiOutput Address of a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure containing the output format. lOutput Reserved; do not use. lpbiInput Address of a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure containing the input format. lInput Reserved; do not use. lStartFrame Number of the first frame to compress. lFrameCount Number of frames to compress. lQuality Quality setting. lDataRate Maximum data rate, in bytes per second. lKeyRate Maximum number of frames between consecutive key frames. dwRate Compression rate in an integer format. To obtain the rate in frames per second, divide this value by the value in dwScale. dwScale Value used to scale dwRate to frames per second. dwOverheadPerFrame Reserved; do not use. dwReserved2 Reserved; do not use. GetData Reserved; do not use. PutData Reserved; do not use. See Also BITMAPINFOHEADER, ICM_COMPRESS_FRAMES_INFO
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