Keys Ending Capture
You can allow the user to abort a capture session by pressing a key or
keystroke combination from the keyboard, or by pressing the right or left mouse
button. If the user aborts a real-time capture session, the contents of the capture
file are discarded. If the user aborts a step-frame capture session, the
contents of the capture file up to the point of aborting the capture are saved.
You can retrieve the settings for aborting a capture session by using the
capCaptureGetSetup macro). The current keystroke setting is stored in the
vKeyAbort member of the
CAPTUREPARMS structure; the current mouse settings are stored in the
fAbortLeftMouse and
fAbortRightMouse members. You can set a new key or keystroke combination by specifying the
keycode or keycode combination (as in a CTRL or SHIFT key combination) as the value of
vKeyAbort, or set the left or right mouse button as the abort key by specifying the
fAbortLeftMouse or
fAbortRightMouse member. After you set these members, send the updated
CAPTUREPARMS structure to the capture window by using the
capCaptureSetSetup macro). The default value of
vKeyAbort is VK_ESCAPE. You must call the
RegisterHotKey function before specifying a keystroke that can abort a capture session. The
default values of
fAbortLeftMouse and
fAbortRightMouse are TRUE.
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