Standard MIDI Patch Assignments

The standard MIDI patch assignments for authoring MIDI files for use with Windows are based on the MIDI Manufacturers Association (MMA) General MIDI Mode specification. Following are the standard MIDI patch assignments.

Chromatic Percussion
0 Acoustic grand piano
8 Celesta
16 Hammond organ
  1. Bright acoustic piano
9 Glockenspiel
17 Percussive organ
  1. Electric grand piano
10 Music box
18 Rock organ
  1. Honky-tonk piano
11 Vibraphone
19 Church organ
  1. Rhodes piano
12 Marimba
20 Reed organ
  1. Chorused piano
13 Xylophone
21 Accordion
  1. Harpsichord
14 Tubular bells
22 Harmonica
  1. Clavinet
15 Dulcimer
23 Tango accordion

24 Acoustic guitar (nylon)
32 Acoustic bass
40 Violin
25 Acoustic guitar (steel)
33 Electric bass (finger)
41 Viola
26 Electric guitar (jazz)
34 Electric bass (pick)
42 Cello
27 Electric guitar (clean)
35 Fretless bass
43 Contrabass
28 Electric guitar (muted)
36 Slap bass 1
44 Tremolo strings
29 Overdriven guitar
37 Slap bass 2
45 Pizzicato strings
30 Distortion guitar
38 Synth bass 1
46 Orchestral harp
31 Guitar harmonics
39 Synth bass 2
47 Timpani

48 String ensemble 1
56 Trumpet
64 Soprano sax
49 String ensemble 2
57 Trombone
65 Alto sax
50 Synth. strings 1
58 Tuba
66 Tenor sax
51 Synth. strings 2
59 Muted trumpet
67 Baritone sax
52 Choir Aahs
60 French horn
68 Oboe
53 Voice Oohs
61 Brass section
69 English horn
54 Synth voice
62 Synth. brass 1
70 Bassoon
55 Orchestra hit
63 Synth. brass 2
71 Clarinet

Synth Lead
Synth Pad
72 Piccolo
80 Lead 1 (square)
88 Pad 1 (new age)
73 Flute
81 Lead 2 (sawtooth)
89 Pad 2 (warm)
74 Recorder
82 Lead 3 (calliope lead)
90 Pad 3 (polysynth)
75 Pan flute
83 Lead 4 (chiff lead)
91 Pad 4 (choir)
76 Bottle blow
84 Lead 5 (charang)
92 Pad 5 (bowed)
77 Shakuhachi
85 Lead 6 (voice)
93 Pad 6 (metallic)
78 Whistle
86 Lead 7 (fifths)
94 Pad 7 (halo)
79 Ocarina
87 Lead 8 (brass + lead)
95 Pad 8 (sweep)

Sound Effects

120 Guitar fret noise

121 Breath noise

122 Seashore

123 Bird tweet

124 Telephone ring

125 Helicopter

126 Applause

127 Gunshot

Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
Software for Android Developers
More information resources
Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples