SAMPLE: BROWSE: OLE Automation controller
BROWSE is an automation controller that controls the automation objects of
the BROWSEH (Browse Helper) inproc server to browse a type library. BROWSE is a
developer-oriented type library browser.
In addition to displaying type library information, this sample shows how to
control an automation object by accessing it's properties and methods.
(BROWSEH is an Automation object that exposes the type information of a type
library. BROWSEH is shipped as sample code with this release).
To compile: -----------
Requires OLE 2.02 or later. Use the external makefile called makefile to
To run: -------
Run browse.exe and use the menu to select a type library to browse.
Files: ------
INVHELP.CPP, INVHELP.H contains two helper functions that are useful to create
an automation object (CreateObject()) and to invoke a method or property of
that object (Invoke()). These functions are general enough to be used by any
Automation controller.
BROWSE.CPP uses the helper functions in invhelp.cpp to access the properties
and methods of the automation objects of BROWSEH.
MAKEFILE makefile.
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