Building a Proxy/Stub DLL

Completed IDL files must be compiled with the IDL compiler, MIDL.EXE. The IDL compiler takes each IDL file and generates proxy/stub code (IDLNAME_P.C), an interface header file (IDLNAME.H), and an interface identifier file (IDLNAME_I.C). The header files contain both C and C++ class definitions.

By default, MIDL.EXE generates names based on your IDL file's name. However, you can use the following command line switches to override the default:

Command line switch
Specifies the name of the interface header file.
Specifies the name of the proxy source file.
Specifies the name of the interface identifier file.

After a successful compile of the IDL file, the generated files are run through the standard C/C++ compile and link steps. These source files implement helper functions for marshalling and an implementation of DllGetClassObject for the proxy/stub libraries, among other things. Note that the RPC4RT.LIB library includes an implementation of the DllGetClassObject function. In this provided implementation, the CLSID of the proxy/stub has to be the same as the IID of your custom interface. If you want to use a CLSID that differs from the IID then you must provide your own implementation of the DllGetClassObject function.

The following diagram shows all the pieces involved in a build of a custom proxy/stub DLL. The IDL file, ITF.IDL, is fed into the IDL compiler. Three files are generated: ITF_P.C, ITF.H, and ITF_I.C. These three files are compiled and linked and the result is PROXSTUB.DLL.

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