The DVASPECT enumeration values specify the desired data or view aspect of the object when drawing or getting data. typedef enum tagDVASPECT{
} DVASPECT; Elements DVASPECT_CONTENT Provide a representation of an object so it can be displayed as an embedded object inside of a container. This value is typically specified for compound document objects. The presentation can be provided for the screen or printer. DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL Provide a thumbnail representation of an object so it can be displayed in a browsing tool. The thumbnail is approximately a 120 by 120 pixel, 16-color (recommended) device-independent bitmap potentially wrapped in a metafile. DVASPECT_ICON Provide an iconic representation of an object. DVASPECT_DOCPRINT Provide a representation of the object on the screen as though it were printed to a printer using the Print command from the File menu. The described data may represent a sequence of pages. Comments This enumeration is used in the dwAspect field of the FORMATETC structure. Only one DVASPECT value can be used to specify a single presentation aspect in a FORMATETC structure. The FORMATETC structure is used in IDataObject, IAdviseSink, and IOleCache methods. The DVASPECT enumeration values are also used in IViewObject methods. See Also IAdviseSink, IDataObject, IOleObject, IViewObject, IViewObject2, OleDraw, FORMATETC, OBJECTDESCRIPTOR
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