SAMPLE: HELLO: Simple OLE Automation Server HELLO is a simple OLE Automation server application. This is a good sample to use to learn to create your first OLE Automation server. This has one object that supports the following properties and methods: Hello Object: PropertiesHelloMessage
The sample the following features:
- Supports dual interfaces which allows access of automation properties and
methods through vtable binding and through IDispatch.
· Provides Rich Error information for vtable-binding controllers. This is does by implementing ISupportErrorInfo and using IErrorInfo.
· Implements active object registration using RegisterActiveObject and RevokeActiveObject. · Implements correct shut-down behavior. · Includes a .reg file which contains Hello.Application and Hello.Application.2 as progIDs. · When created for automation, is invisible initially.
TLB.H Header file generated by mktyplib.exe MAKEFILE Makefile for project. Other files implement the HELLO automation server. ================================================================================
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