
Destroys a marshaled data packet.

HRESULT IMarshal::ReleaseMarshalData(

IStream * pStm
//Stream used for unmarshaling



[in] Points to a stream that contains the data packet which is to be destroyed.

Return Values


The data packet was released successfully.


Indicates an unspecified error.


Out of memory.


One or more arguments were invalid.


An unexpected error occured.

IStream errors

See the IStream interface for information on possible stream access errors.


This method is typically called from the receiving side (that is, the side doing the unmarshaling), sometimes via the CoReleaseMarshalData or CoUnmarshalInterface API functions. However, if the data packet does not arrive on the receiving side or if the appropriate proxy object cannot be successfully created there, this method is called from the originating side (that is, the side doing the marshaling).

As an analogy, the data packet can be thought of as a reference to the original object, just as if it were another interface pointer being held on the object. Like a real interface pointer, that data packet must be released at some point. The use of IMarshal::ReleaseMarshalData to release data packets is analogous to the use of IUnknown::Release to release interface pointers.

Notes to Implementors

If your implementation stores state information about marshaled data packets, use this method to release the state information associated with the data packet found in pstm. Your implementation should also position the seek pointer in the stream past the last byte of data.

See Also

CoUnMarshalInterface, CoReleaseMarshalData

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