
Notifies the object when the container's top-level frame window is activated or deactivated.

HRESULT OnFrameWindowActivate(

BOOL fActivate
//State of container's top-level window



[in] Indicates the state of the container's top-level frame window. TRUE if the window is activating; FALSE if it is deactivating.

Return Value


The method notified the object successfully.


Notes to Callers

The container must call IOleInPlaceActiveObject::OnFrameWindowActivate when the container's top-level frame window is either being activated or deactivated and the object is the current, active object for the frame.

Note While executing IOleInPlaceActiveObject::OnFrameWindowActivate, do not make calls to the Windows PeekMessage or GetMessage functions, or a dialog box. Doing so may cause the system to deadlock. There are further restrictions on which OLE interface methods and functions can be called from within OnFrameWindowActivate.

See Also

PeekMessage, GetMessage
in Win32

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