ITypeLib::FindName(szNameBuf, lHashVal, rgptinfo, rgmemid, pcFound)OLECHAR FAR* szNameBuf
unsigned long lHashVal
ITypeInfo FAR* FAR* rgptinfo
unsigned int FAR* pcFound Finds occurrences of a type description in a type library. This may be used to quickly verify that a name exists in a type library. Parameter szNameBuf The name to search for. lHashVal A hash value to speed up the search, computed by LHashValOfNameSys. If lHashVal = 0, a value will be computed for you. rgptinfo On return, an array of pointers to the type descriptions that contain the name specified in szNameBuf. May not be NULL. rgmemid An array of the MEMBERIDs of the found items; rgmemid[i] is the MEMBERID which indexes into the type description specified by rgptinfo[i]. May not be NULL. pcFound On entry, indicates how many instances to look for. For example, you may call with *pcFound = 1 in order to find the first occurrence. In this case, the search stops when one is found. On exit, indicates the number of instances that were found. If the in and out values of *pcFound are identical, there may be more type descriptions that contain the name.
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