MkTypLib and Object Description Language

When you expose OLE Automation objects, you permit interoperability with other vendors' programs. For others to use your objects, they must have access to the objects' characteristics (properties and methods). To make this information public, you can:

  • Publish object and type definitions (for example, as printed documentation).

  • Code objects into a compiled .C or .CPP file, so they can be accessed using IDispatch::GetTypeInfo or implementations of the ITypeInfo and ITypeLib interfaces.

  • Use the MkTypLib tool to create a type library that contains the objects, then make the type library available to others.

MkTypLib compiles scripts that are written in the Object Description Language (ODL). This chapter provides a reference to the MkTypLib tool and ODL.

Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
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More information resources
Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples