This structure is used to initialize the View tab of the Object properties dialog box. A reference to it is passed in as part of the OLEUIOBJECTPROPS structure to the OleUIObjectProperties function. This tab allows the user to toggle between "content" and "iconic" views of the object, and change its scaling within the container. It also allows the user to tunnel to the change icon dialog when the object is being displayed iconically. // These IN fields are standard across all OLEUI property pages. typedef struct tagOLEUIVIEWPROPSA { // These IN fields are standard across all OLEUI property pages.DWORD cbStruct; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwReserved1[2]; LPFNOLEUIHOOK lpfnHook; LPARAM lCustData; DWORD dwReserved2[3]; struct tagOLEUIOBJECTPROPS* lpOP; int nScaleMin; int nScaleMax; } OLEUIVIEWPROPSA, *POLEUIVIEWPROPSA, FAR* LPOLEUIVIEWPROPSA; Members cbStruct Size of the structure in bytes. dwFlags IN-OUT: flags specific to view page VPF_SELECTRELATIVE [in] Relative to origin. VPF_DISABLERELATIVE [in] Disable relative to origin. VPF_DISABLESCALE [in] Disable scale option. dwReserved1[2] Reserved for future use. lpfnHook Hook callback (not used in this dialog). lCustDataa Custom data to pass to hook (not used in this dialog). dwReserved2[3]; Reserved for future use. struct tagOLEUIOBJECTPROPS* lpOP; Used internally. nScaleMin Minimum value for the scale range. nScaleMax Maximum value for the scale range. See Also OleUIObjectProperties, OLEUIOBJECTPROPS
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