
Returns from the registry the user type of the specified class. Developers of custom DLL object applications use this function to emulate the behavior of the OLE default handler.

HRESULT OleRegGetUserType(

//Reference to the class identifier
DWORD dwFormOfType,
//Specifies form of type name
LPOLESTR * pszUserType
//Pointer to storage of string pointer



Specifies the class whose user type is requested.


Specifies a value that describes the form of the user-presentable string from the enumeration USERCLASSTYPE.


Points to storage of the returned user type.

Return Values


Indicates the user type was returned successfully.


Indicates there is insufficient memory to complete the operation.


Indicates there is no CLSID registered for the class object.


Indicates there was an error reading the registry.


Indicates the ProgID = MainUserTypeName and CLSID = MainUserTypeName keys are missing from the registry.


Object applications can ask OLE to get the user type name of a specified class in one of two ways. One way is to call OleRegGetUserType. The other is to return OLE_S_USEREG in response to calls by the default object handler to IOleObject::GetUserType. OLE_S_USEREG instructs the default handler to call OleRegGetUserType. Because DLL object applications cannot return OLE_S_USEREG, they must call OleRegGetUserType rather than delegating the job to the object handler.

The OleRegGetUserType function and its sibling functions, OleRegGetMiscStatus, OleRegEnumFormatEtc, and OleRegEnumVerbs, provide a way for developers of custom DLL object applications to emulate the behavior of OLE's default object handler in getting information about objects from the registry. By using these functions, you avoid the considerable work of writing your own, and the pitfalls inherent in working directly in the registry. In addition, you get future enhancements and optimizations of these functions without having to code them yourself.

See Also

IOleObject::GetUserType, OleRegGetMiscStatus, OleRegEnumFormatEtc, OleRegEnumVerbs, USERCLASSTYPE

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