The STATFLAG enumeration values indicate whether the method should try to return a name in the pwcsName member of the STATSTG structure. The values are used in the ILockBytes::Stat, IStorage::Stat, and IStream::Stat methods to save memory when the pwcsName member is not needed. Defined in the IOLETypes pseudo-interface (oletyp.idl). typedef enum tagSTATFLAG{
} STATFLAG; Elements STATFLAG_DEFAULT Requests that the statistics include the pwcsName member of the STATSTG structure. STATFLAG_NONAME Requests that the statistics not include the pwcsName member of the STATSTG structure. If the name is omitted, there is no need for the Stat methods to allocate and free memory for the string value for the name and the method can save an Alloc and Free operation. See Also ILockBytes::Stat, IStorage::Stat, IStream::Stat
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