psa, rgIndices, pvData)SAFEARRAY FAR* psa
long FAR* rgIndices
void FAR* pvData Assigns a single element into the array. Parameters psa Pointer to an array descriptor created by SafeArrayCreate. rgIndices Pointer to a vector of indexes for each dimension of the array. The rightmost (least significant) dimension is rgIndices[0]. The leftmost dimension is stored at rgIndices[psa->cDims 1]. pvData Pointer to the data to assign to the array. VT_DISPATCH, VT_UNKNOWN, and VT_BSTR variant types are pointers and don't require another level of indirection. Comments This function automatically calls SafeArrayLock and SafeArrayUnlock before and after assigning the element. If the data element is a string, object, or variant, the function copies it correctly. If the existing element is a string, object or variant, it is cleared correctly. Note that you can have multiple locks on an array, so you can put elements into an array while the array is locked by other operations.
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