The stub, like the proxy, is made up of one or more interface pieces and a
manager. Each interface stub provides code to unmarshal the parameters and code
that calls one of the object's supported interfaces. Each stub also provides an
interface for internal communication. The stub manager keeps track of the
available interface stubs.
There are, however, some differences between the stub and the proxy:
- The most important difference is that the stub represents the client in the
object's address space.
- The stub is not implemented as an aggregate object since there is no
requirement that the client be viewed as a single unit; each piece in the stub is a
separate component.
- The interface stubs are private, rather than public.
- The interface stubs implement IRpcStubBuffer, not IRpcProxyBuffer.
- Instead of packaging parameters to be marshalled, the stub unpackages them
after they have been marshalled and then packages the reply.
The following diagram shows the structure of the stub. Each interface stub is
connected to an interface on the object. The channel dispatches incoming
messages to the appropriate interface stub. All the components talk to the channel
IRpcChannelBuffer, the interface that provides access to the RPC run-time library.
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