The TYMED enumeration values indicate the type of storage medium being used in a data transfer. They are used in the STGMEDIUM or FORMATETC structures. typedef [transmit_as(long)] enum tagTYMED{
Elements TYMED_HGLOBAL The storage medium is a global memory handle (HGLOBAL). Allocate the global handle with the GMEM_SHARE flag. If the STGMEDIUM punkForRelease member is NULL, the destination process should use GlobalFree to release the memory. TYMED_FILE The storage medium is a disk file identified by a path. If the STGMEDIUM punkForRelease member is NULL, the destination process should use OpenFile to delete the file. TYMED_ISTREAM The storage medium is a stream object identified by an IStream pointer. Use IStream::Read to read the data. If the STGMEDIUM punkForRelease member is NULL, the destination process should use IStream::Release to release the stream component. TYMED_ISTORAGE The storage medium is a storage component identified by an IStorage pointer. The data is in the streams and storages contained by this IStorage instance. If the STGMEDIUM punkForRelease member is NULL, the destination process should use IStorage::Release to release the storage component. TYMED_GDI The storage medium is a GDI component (HBITMAP). If the STGMEDIUM punkForRelease member is NULL, the destination process should use DeleteObject to delete the bitmap. TYMED_MFPICT The storage medium is a metafile (HMETAFILE). Use the Windows or WIN32 API functions to access the metafile's data. If the STGMEDIUM punkForRelease member is NULL, the destination process should use DeleteMetaFile to delete the bitmap. TYMED_ENHMF The storage medium is an enhanced metafile. If the STGMEDIUM punkForRelease member is NULL, the destination process should use DeleteEnhMetaFile to delete the bitmap. TYMED_NULL Indicates that no data is being passed. Comments During data transfer operations, a storage medium is specified. This medium must be released after the data transfer operation. The provider of the medium indicates its choice of ownership scenarios in the value it provides in the STGMEDIUM structure. A NULL value for the IUNKNOWN field indicates that the receiving body of code owns and can free the medium. A non-NULL pointer specifies that ReleaseStgMedium can always be called to free the medium. See Also FORMATETC, IAdviseSink, IDataObject, IOleCache, ReleaseStgMedium, STGMEDIUM
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