The TYPEATTR structure contains attributes of an
ITypeInfo, and is defined as follows:
typedef struct FARSTRUCT tagTYPEATTR {
GUID guid; // The GUID of the TypeInfo
LCID lcid; // Locale of member names and doc
// strings
unsigned long dwReserved;
MEMBERID memidConstructor; // ID of constructor,MEMBERID_NIL if
// None
MEMBERID memidDestructor; // ID of destructor, MEMBERID_NIL if
// None
OLECHAR FAR* lpstrSchema; // Reserved for future use
unsigned long cbSizeInstance;// The size of an instance of // this type.
TYPEKIND typekind; // The kind of type this typeinfo // describes.
unsigned short cFuncs; // Number of functions
unsigned short cVars; // Number of variables/data members
unsigned short cImplTypes; // Number of implemented interfaces
unsigned short cbSizeVft; // The size of this type's virtual // func table
unsigned short cbAlignment; // Byte alignment for an instance
// of this type
unsigned short wTypeFlags;
unsigned short wMajorVerNum; // Major version number
unsigned short wMinorVerNum; // Minor version number
TYPEDESC tdescAlias; // If TypeKind == TKIND_ALIAS, // specifies the type for which // this type is an alias
IDLDESC idldescType; // IDL attributes of the // described type
cbAlignment field indicates how addresses are aligned. A value of 0 indicates alignment on
the 64K boundary; 1 indicates no special alignment. For other values,
n indicates aligned on byte
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