Architecture of the Pen API

Note the version change in this paragraph from the "Windows" section.

In version 1.x of Pen Windows, the application was required to call RegisterPenApp in order to tell the system to convert all edit controls to handwriting edit (hedit) controls. With Pen API version 2.0, however, this is not necessary; all edit controls in applications are automatically converted. If the application is version-stamped as a Windows 95-based application, the conversion is automatic; otherwise, applications version-stamped as Windows 3.1-based applications require the call to RegisterPenApp that was required for Pen Windows, version 1.x.

  • Information about handwriting recognizers has been added to this paragraph in the "Recognizer" section.

Although many recognizers may be available to an application, only one serves as the system default recognizer. This is the recognizer that Windows automatically installs and calls by default. To use other recognizers, an application must first specifically install them. (For information about how to install multiple recognizers, see Chapter 5, "The Recognition Process.") The Microsoft Handwriting Recognizer (GRECO.DLL in US, RODAN.DLL in Japan) is provided as the default system recognizer on most OEM tablet installations of Microsoft pen services. GRECO.DLL recognizes all European letters, numerals, and punctuation, with emphasis on English, French, and German. RODAN.DLL recognizes Kanji, Kana, and other Japanese characters. An application can set up a different system recognizer by identifying the new file in the Windows registry. Appendix A explains how to set up a new default recognizer.

  • The following section was added at the end of the "Recognizer" section.

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