Books and Articles for Further Reading

The documentation listed in the following table provides additional information about the Pen API and about Windows in general.

Microsoft Windows Pen API version 2.0 online Help
Online reference for Pen API functions, structures, messages, and constants.
Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) documentation, or equivalent documentation
Information about the application programming interface of the Windows operating system.
Microsoft Windows Device Driver Kit (DDK) documentation, or equivalent documentation
Description of the application programming interface of the Windows device drivers. Required only for developing drivers.
Duncan, Ray. "Power Programming." PC Magazine. New York, New York: Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, January 14, 1992 through May 12, 1992
Series of articles on the basics of the Pen API version 1.0.
Petzold, Charles. Programming Windows. Third edition. Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press, 1992
Good introduction to general programming for Windows.

Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
Software for Android Developers
More information resources
Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples