- 0
Retrieves an array of symbol values corresponding to a recognition result. A
recognizer must export this function.
int GetSymbolsHRCRESULT( HRCRESULT hrcresult, UINT iSyv, LPSYV rgsyv, UINT cSyv )
Handle of a results object.
Index of the first symbol of interest in the results object.
Address of a buffer in which to put the symbols. The array must be large
enough to store
cSyv symbols.
The size of
rgsyv in symbols (not bytes). This is the number of symbols to be returned. A value
of 0 is legal, in which case the function simply returns 0.
Return Value
Returns the count of symbols copied, if successful; otherwise, returns one of
the following negative values:
| Description
| Invalid parameter or other error.
| Insufficient memory.
It is possible to allocate a small buffer in
rgsyv and call this function repeatedly, incrementing the index
iSyv each time by the number of symbols returned in the previous call, until the
function returns 0.
The following example gets a character result, using a small buffer:
#define CBCHBUF 1024 // Char buffer
#define CSYVMAX 32 // Relatively small symbol chunk
HRC vhrc; // Handle to a handwriting context
HRCRESULT vhrcresult; // Handle to a recognition result
SYV vrgsyv[CSYVMAX]; // Symbol result buffer
char vrgcBuff[CBCHBUF]; // Buffer for recognition results
. // Code that creates HRC, gets input, etc....
EndPenInputHRC( vhrc ); // Tell recognizer no more ink
ProcessHRC( vhrc, PH_MAX ); // Finish recognition
. // Retrieve a handle to the results
if (GetResultsHRC( vhrc, &vhrcresult, 1 ) > 0)
int i = 0, cSyv;
// Retrieve some symbols
while ((cSyv = GetSymbolsHRCRESULT( vhrcresult,
i, vrgsyv, CSYVMAX )) > 0)
if (i + cSyv + 1 > CBCHBUF) // Don't overflow buffer
cSyv = CBCHBUF - i - 1;
if (cSyv > 0) // Still have something?
SymbolToCharacter( vrgsyv, cSyv, vrgcBuff + i, NULL );
i += cSyv;
if (i + 1 >= CBCHBUF)
- rgcBuff[i] = chNull; // Terminate string
DestroyHRCRESULT( vhrcresult ); // We're finished with result
DestroyHRC( vhrc ); // Finished with this HRC session
See Also
- Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
Software for Android Developers
- More information resources
Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples