Keep It Simple
The developer should value simplicity over power when designing a pen-based
application. Simplicity is not only a characteristic of good interface design, it
hastens the user's acceptance of a type of input paradigm apt to be new and
The same principles for writing a standard Windows-based application apply
equally to pen-based programs:
- Limit features and options to reduce the number of choices a user must make.
When adapting an existing application to run on a pen-based computer, remember
the so-called "80/20" rule: 80 percent of an application's value is typically
provided by only 20 percent of its features.
- Keep the interface clear, consistent, uncomplicated, and predictable. The
relationship between what a user does and how the application responds should be
logical and consistent. Keeping the interface consistent and predictable reduces
the amount of information the user must remember in order to use an application.
- Make possible actions and results visible to the user. Enable the user to work
directly with objects without resorting to abstractions. The user wants to
"send mail" or "find a note," not "open an application" or "search for data."
- Use constraints to prevent the user from choosing inappropriate actions and
provide default choices whenever appropriate. Constraints encourage the user to
make appropriate decisions by limiting unlikely choices. For example, a button
enabling a user to save or pause a game should not be visible until play has
- Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
Software for Android Developers
- More information resources
Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples