1. 0 2.0

Rectangle offset for nonisometric inflation of a rectangular writing area.

typedef struct {

int dLeft;

int dTop;

int dRight;

int dBottom;




Inflation margin leftward from left side.


Inflation margin upward from top.


Inflation margin rightward from right.


Inflation margin downward from bottom.


Inflation margins are in screen (pixel) coordinates. To inflate a window rectangle, dLeft and dTop should be negative (moving in the negative x- and y-directions, respectively) and dRight and dBottom should be positive. To deflate the rectangle, reverse the signs of the margins.

In addition to having the basic characteristics of an edit control, an hedit or bedit control must make allowances for the input of handwriting. The client rectangle often needs to be adjusted to a larger size to allow for easier writing.

For example, the cut gesture typically extends above the selected text it is deleting. If the gesture is arbitrarily clipped off at the edge of the client window, recognition accuracy suffers. Likewise, restricting handwriting input to stay within the lines can also hinder recognition accuracy. To correct this, rectangle offsets are used in hedit and bedit controls to make the writing area slightly larger than the client window size of a normal edit control. The HE_SETINFLATE and HE_GETINFLATE wParam values of the WM_PENCTL message are used for this purpose. These messages use a RECTOFS structure as a parameter. The values in the RECTOFS structure are added to the corresponding client area to create the bounding rectangle for the ink.

The inflation does not need to be symmetrical in every direction.

See Also


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