A recognizer is a DLL with functions that determine what symbol a pattern of
pen strokes represents. As illustrated in Figure 1.4, Windows allows the
concurrent operation of more than one recognizer. For example, one recognizer may
specialize in English letters, another in mathematical symbols, another in
geometric shapes, and so forth.
Each handwriting recognizer can access any number of
word lists. Word lists offer a way for a recognizer to corroborate and refine its
guesses. For example, if a recognizer cannot decide whether a handwritten word is
"boy" or "looy," finding one word but not the other in a word list helps the
recognizer make a more confident choice.
Although many recognizers may be available to an application, only one serves
as the system default recognizer. This is the recognizer that Windows
automatically installs and calls by default. To use other recognizers, an application
must first specifically install them. (For information about how to install
multiple recognizers, see Chapter 5, "The Recognition Process.") The Microsoft
Handwriting Recognizer (GRECO.DLL) is provided as the default system recognizer on
most OEM tablet installations of Microsoft pen services. The Microsoft
Handwriting Recognizer recognizes all European letters, numerals, and punctuation, with
emphasis on English, French, and German, An application can set up a different
system recognizer by identifying the new file in the Windows registry.
Appendix A explains how to set up a new default recognizer.
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