Sent to notify an application of some pen-related change, such as a change in a bedit control. WM_PENMISC is also used to get information from a window about pen-related attributes.



One of the following subfunctions:


Indicates that system settings for bedit controls have been changed. When it receives this message, a bedit control updates its state according to the settings indicated by the BOXEDITINFO structure that lParam points to.


Return a copy of the HRC handle associated with the window. lParam is unused and should be set to 0. If a window has no associated HRC structure, NULL is returned. It is the caller's responsibility to destroy any HRC the message returns.


Retrieve the INKINGINFO structure associated with the window and copy it to the structure pointed to by lParam. The message is ignored if lParam is NULL.


Retrieve the PCMINFO structure associated with the window and copy it to the structure pointed to by lParam. If a window has no associated PCMINFO structure, NULL is returned. The message is ignored if lParam is NULL. The system initializes PCMINFO as follows:

  • dwPcm is a combination of the PCM_RECTBOUND, PCM_TIMEOUT, and PCM_TAPNHOLD flags.

  • rectBound is the client area of hwnd, in screen coordinates.

  • dwTimeout is the current writing time-out in milliseconds, as reported by GetPenMiscInfo using PMI_TIMEOUT.

  • All other members are 0.


Inking has stopped because of a pen-down event. lParam contains the HPCM handle corresponding to the collection and the event reference at which the inking stopped. An application can retrieve these values with the HpcmFromWpLp and EventRefFromWpLp macros, respectively.


WM_PENMISC is broadcast when kana-kanji controls are enabled. (Japanese version only.)


WM_PENMISC is broadcast when PENWIN.DLL loads or unloads. lParam is one of the following:

  • PMSCL_LOADED (PENWIN.DLL just loaded).

  • PMSCL_UNLOADED (PENWIN.DLL just unloaded).

  • PMSCL_UNLOADING (PENWIN.DLL is about to unload).


Broadcast to indicate that the pen user interface DLL (PENUI) has been changed. (Japanese version only.)


Associate the HRC handle in lParam with the window. The window makes a copy of the HRC for itself so that the sender of the message can destroy its copy. Returns nonzero if successful; otherwise, returns 0.


Associate the INKINGINFO structure pointed to by lParam with the window. Returns nonzero if successful; otherwise, returns 0.


Associate the PCMINFO structure pointed to by lParam with the window. The cbSize member of the structure must be initialized with sizeof( PCMINFO ). Returns nonzero if successful; otherwise, returns 0.


Indicates the character finder DLL (SUBINPUT) has been changed. (Japanese version only.)


Retrieve the number of symbols contained in the last recognition result. lParam should be 0. This message should be sent by the window that received the HN_RESULT notification before returning from the notification message.


Retrieve the symbols contained in the last recognition result. lParam should be a pointer to a buffer large enough to accommodate the number of symbols contained in the result followed by SYV_NULL. The number of symbols in the result can be obtained by sending the WM_PENMISC message to the window with the PMSC_GETSYMBOLCOUNT submessage. This message should be sent by the window that received the HN_RESULT notification before returning from the notification message. A nonzero value is returned to indicate success.


Change the symbols for the last recognition result. lParam should be a pointer to a buffer containing the array of symbols to be set terminated by SYV_NULL. lParam may be NULL to indicate an empty result. The control receiving this message should not perform any garbage detection on results set in this manner. This allows the application to perform its own garbage detection. In the case of the bedits controls, the number of symbols set must be the same as the number of symbols obtained using the WM_PENMISC message with the PMSC_GETSYMBOLCOUNT submessage. If not, the symbols are not set. This message should be sent by the window that received the HN_RESULT notification before returning from the notifi-cation message. A nonzero value is returned to indicate success.


Depends on wParam.

See Also


Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
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Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples