accept, AcceptEx, Additional Documentation, Additional Windows Socket Information, AFPROTOCOLS, Asynchronous Notification Using Event Objects, ATM Point to Multipoint, Attributes in WSAPROTOCOL_INFO struct
Backward Compatibility For Windows Sockets 1.1 Applications, Basic Approach for getxbyy, bind, Byte Ordering
closesocket, connect, Conventions for New Functions, CSADDR_INFO
Debug and Trace Facilities, Default state for a socket's overlapped attribute, Default Values, Deviation from Berkeley Sockets
Enhanced Functionality During Connection Setup and Teardown, EnumProtocols, Error codes - errno, h_errno & WSAGetLastError, Error Codes, Event Objects, Extended Byte Order Conversion Routines
fd_set, Flowspec, Function Extension Mechanism
GetAcceptExSockaddrs, GetAddressByName, gethostbyaddr, gethostbyname, gethostname, GetNameByType, getpeername, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, getservbyname, getservbyport, GetService, getsockname, getsockopt, GetTypeByName, Graceful shutdown, linger options and socket closure, Guarantee
hostent, How existing multipoint protocols support these extensions, htonl, htons
Include files, inet_addr, inet_ntoa, ioctlsocket, IP multicast
Layered Protocols and Protocol Chains, Legal Information, listen
Making Transport Protocols Available To Windows Sockets, Maximum number of sockets supported, Microsoft Extensions and Windows Sockets 2, Microsoft Windows-specific Extension Functions, Multiple Provider Restrictions on select, Multipoint and Multicast Semantics, Multipoint Taxonomy
Name Resolution Data Structures, Name Resolution Model, Name Resolution, New Concepts, Additions and Changes for Windows Sockets 2, ntohl, ntohs
Out-Of-Band data, Overlapped I/O and Event Objects, Overview of Windows Sockets 2
Pointers, Protocol-Independent Multicast and Multipoint, Protocol-Independent Name Resolution
QOS Templates, Quality of Service, QualityOfService
Raw Sockets, Receiving Completion Indications, recv, recvfrom, Registration and Name Resolution, Renamed functions, Return values on function failure
select and FD_*, select, Semantic differences between multipoint sockets and regular sockets, Semantics for joining multipoint leaves, send, sendto, SetService, setsockopt, Shared Sockets, shutdown, Simultaneous Access to Multiple Transport Protocols, sockaddr, Socket Data Type, Socket Functions, Socket Groups, Socket Handles for Windows Sockets 2, SOCKET_ADDRESS, socket, Summary of Name Resolution Functions, Summary of New Functions, Summary of New Socket Ioctl Opcodes, Summary of New Socket Options, Summary of Windows Sockets 2 Functions, Support for Scatter/Gather I/O
The gethostbyaddr function, The gethostbyname function, The gethostname function, The getprotobyname and getprotobynumber functions, The getservbyname and getservbyport functions, TransmitFile
Using Multiple Protocols, Using This Document
Welcome To Windows Sockets 2, Windows Sockets 1.1 Blocking routines & EINPROGRESS, Windows Sockets 1.1 Compatibile Name Resolution for TCP/IP, Windows Sockets 2 Architecture, Windows Sockets 2 Features, Windows Sockets 2 Header File - WINSOCK2.H, Windows Sockets Compatibility Issues, Windows Sockets Programming Considerations, WinSock 2 Interface Elements for Multipoint and Multicast, WSAAccept, WSAAddressToString, WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr, WSAAsyncGetHostByName, WSAAsyncGetProtoByName, WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber, WSAAsyncGetServByName, WSAAsyncGetServByPort, WSAAsyncSelect, WSABUF, WSACancelAsyncRequest, WSACancelBlockingCall, WSACleanup, WSACloseEvent, WSAConnect, WSACreateEvent, WSAData, WSADuplicateSocket, WSAEcomparator, WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders, WSAEnumNetworkEvents, WSAEnumProtocols, WSAEventSelect, WSAGetLastError, WSAGetOverlappedResult, WSAGetQOSByName, WSAGetServiceClassInfo, WSAGetServiceClassNameByServiceClassId, WSAHtonl, WSAHtons, WSAInstallServiceClass, WSAIoctl, WSAIsBlocking, WSAJoinLeaf, WSALookupServiceBegin, WSALookupServiceEnd, WSALookupServiceNext, WSANAMESPACE_INFO, WSANtohl, WSANtohs, WSAOVERLAPPED, WSAPROTOCOL_INFO, WSAPROTOCOLCHAIN, WSAQuerySet, WSARecv, WSARecvDisconnect, WSARecvEx, WSARecvFrom, WSARemoveServiceClass, WSAResetEvent, WSASend, WSASendDisconnect, WSASendTo, WSAServiceClassInfo, WSASetBlockingHook, WSASetEvent, WSASetLastError, WSASetService, WSASocket, WSAStartup, WSAStringToAddress, WSAUnhookBlockingHook, WSAWaitForMultipleEvents
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