This function is a Microsoft-specific extension to the Windows Sockets
specification. For more information, see
Microsoft Extensions and Windows Sockets 2.
The Windows Sockets
AcceptEx function accepts a new connection, returns the local and remote address, and
receives the first block of data sent by the client application.
BOOL AcceptEx (
SOCKET sListenSocket,
SOCKET sAcceptSocket,
PVOID lpOutputBuffer,
DWORD dwReceiveDataLength,
DWORD dwLocalAddressLength,
DWORD dwRemoteAddressLength,
LPDWORD lpdwBytesReceived,
[in] A descriptor identifying a socket that has already been called with the
listen function. A server application waits for attempts to connect on this socket.
[in] A descriptor identifying a socket on which to accept an incoming
connection. This socket must not be bound or connected.
[in] A pointer to a buffer that receives the first block of data sent on a new
connection, the local address of the server, and the remote address of the
client. The receive data is written to the first part of the buffer starting at
offset zero, while the addresses are written to the latter part of the buffer.
This parameter must be specified.
[in] The number of bytes in the buffer that will be used for receiving data.
If this parameter is specified as zero, then no receive operation is performed
in conjunction with accepting the connection. Instead, the
AcceptEx function completes as soon as a connection arrives without waiting for any
[in] The number of bytes reserved for the local address information. This must
be at least 16 bytes more than the maximum address length for the transport
protocol in use.
[in] The number of bytes reserved for the remote address information. This
must be at least 16 bytes more than the maximum address length for the transport
protocol in use.
[out] A pointer to a DWORD that receives the count of bytes received. This is
set only if the operation completes synchronously. If it returns
ERROR_IO_PENDING and is completed later, then this DWORD is never set and you must obtain the
number of bytes read from the completion notification mechanism.
[in] An OVERLAPPED structure that is used to process the request. This
must be specified; it cannot be NULL.
Return Values
If no error occurs, the
AcceptEx function was successfully completed and a value of TRUE is returned. If the
function was unsuccesful, the
AcceptEx function returns FALSE. The
GetLastError function can then be called to return extended error information. If
GetLastError returns ERROR_IO_PENDING, then the operation was successfully initiated and
is still in progress.
AcceptEx function combines several socket functions into a single API/kernel
transition. The
AcceptEx function, when successful, performs three tasks: a new connection is
accepted, both the local and remote addresses for the connection are returned, and the
first block of data sent by the remote is received. A program will make a
connection to a socket more quickly using the
AcceptEx function instead of the
Accept function.
A single output buffer receives the data, the local socket address (the
server), and the remote socket address (the client). Using a single buffer improves
performance, but the
GetAcceptExSockaddrs function must be called to parse the buffer into its three distinct parts.
Because the addresses are written in an internal format, the buffer size for
the local and remote address must be 16 bytes more than the size of the SOCKADDR
structure for the transport protocol in use. For example, the size of a

the address structure for TCP/IP

is 16 bytes, so specify a buffer size of at least 32 bytes for the local and
remote addresses.
AcceptEx function uses overlapped I/O, unlike the Windows Sockets 1.1
accept function. If your application uses the
AcceptEx function, it can service a large number of clients with a relatively small
number of threads.
As with all overlapped Win32 functions, either Win32 events or completion
ports can be used as a completion notification mechanism.
Another key difference between the
AcceptEx function and the Windows Sockets 1.1
accept function is that the
AcceptEx function requires the caller to already have two sockets: one that specifies
the socket on which to listen and one that specifies the socket on which to
accept the connection. The
sAcceptSocket parameter must be an open socket that is neither bound nor connected.
lpNumberOfBytesTransferred parameter of the
GetQueuedCompletionStatus function or the
GetOverlappedResult function indicates the number of bytes received in the request.
When this operation is successfully completed,
sAcceptHandle can be passed only to the following functions:
Note If you have called the
TransmitFile function with both the TF_DISCONNECT and TF_REUSE_SOCKET flags, the specified
socket has been returned to a state in which it is neither bound nor
connected. You can then pass the handle of the socket to the
AcceptEx function in the
sAcceptSocket parameter.
In order to use
sAcceptHandle with other Window Sockets 1.1 functions, call the
setsockopt function with the SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT option. This option initializes
the socket so that other Windows Sockets routines to access the socket correctly.
When the
AcceptEx function returns,
sAcceptSocket is in the default state for a connected socket. The socket associated with
sAcceptSocket parameter does not inherit the properties of the socket associated with
sListenSocket parameter until SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT is set on the socket. Use the
setsockopt function to set the SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT option, specifying
sAcceptSocket as the socket handle and
sListenSocket as the option value.
For example:
err = setsockopt( sAcceptSocket,
(char *)&sListenSocket,
sizeof(sListenSocket) );
You can use the
getsockopt function with the SO_CONNECT_TIME option to check whether a connection has
been accepted. If it has been accepted, you can determine how long the connection
has been established. The return value is the number of seconds that the
socket has been connected. If the socket is not connected, the
getsockopt returns 0xFFFFFFFF. Checking a connection like this is necessary in order to
check for connections that have been established for awhile, but no data has
been received. You can then kill those connections.
For example:
INT seconds;
INT bytes = sizeof(seconds);
err = getsockopt( sAcceptSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_CONNECT_TIME,
(char *)&seconds, (PINT)&bytes );
if ( err != NO_ERROR ) {
printf( "getsockopt(SO_CONNECT_TIME) failed: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError( ) );
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