Making Transport Protocols Available To Windows Sockets

A transport protocol must be properly installed on the system and registered with Windows Sockets to be accessible to an application. The WS2_32.DLL exports a set of functions to facilitate the registration process. This includes creating a new registration and removing an existing one.

When new registrations are created, the caller (that is, the stack vendor's installation script) supplies one or more filled in WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structures containing a complete set of information about the protocol. (See the SPI document, installed with the SPK, for information on how this is accomplished.) Any transport stack that is installed this way will be referred to as a Windows Sockets service provider.

The Windows Sockets 2 SDK includes a small Windows applet that allows the user to view and modify the order in which service providers are enumerated. By using this applet, a user can manually establish a particular TCP/IP protocol stack as the default TCP/IP provider if more than one such stack is present.

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