Auto-Answer by the Service Provider

In this scenario, the provider is set up to auto-answer a new call. The provider answers it and determines the call's media mode. It then informs TAPI of the call. Because no applications decide to take ownership, TAPI cannot pass the call to any application.

A line has only monitoring applications. The service provider is configured to auto-answer all new calls. At this point, a call comes in.

These are the steps:

  • The service provider passes the call handle to TAPI.

  • TAPI passes monitor handles to the monitor applications (the call is in the connected state).

  • TAPI realizes that the call is connected, but there are, so far, no potential owners.

  • TAPI must do a TSPI_lineDrop to cause the call to revert to idle.

  • The monitor applications are notified that the call is idle and deallocate their handles if they have not already done so.

  • The last deallocation causes a TSPI_lineCloseCall.

This example illustrates an important point for writers of monitoring applications. It is not a good idea to wait monitor for incoming calls you later want to own. It is better to open the line as an owner, because there might not be enough time to change your privilege from monitor to owner before TAPI drops the call.

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