The LINEADDRFEATURE_ constants list the operations that can be invoked on an address.


The address can be forwarded.


An outbound call can be placed on the address.


A call can be picked up at the address.


Media control can be set on this address.


The terminal modes for this address can be set.


A conference call with a NULL initial call can be set up at this address.


Call completion requests can be canceled at this address.


Calls can be unparked using this address.


The linePickup function (with a null destination address) can be used to pick up a call that is held on the address. This is normally used only in a bridged-exclusive arrangement.


The linePickup function can be used to pick up a call in the group.


The linePickup function can be used to pick up a call on a specific address.


The linePickup function (with a null destination address) can be used to pick up a call waiting call. Note that this does not necessarily indicate that a waiting call is actually present, because it is often impossible for a telephony device to automatically detect such a call; it does, however, indicate that the hook-flash function will be invoked to attempt to switch to such a call.

Note If none of the new modified "PICKUP" bits is set in the dwAddressFeatures member in LINEADDRESSSTATUS but the LINEADDRFEATURE_PICKUP bit is set, then any of the pickup modes may work; the service provider has simply not specified which ones.


The lineForward function can be used to forward calls on the address to other numbers. LINEADDRFEATURE_FORWARD will also be set.


The lineForward function (with an empty destination address) can be used to turn on the Do Not Disturb feature on the address. LINEADDRFEATURE_FORWARD will also be set.

Note If neither of the new modified "FORWARD" bits is set in the dwAddressFeatures member in LINEADDRESSSTATUS but the LINEADDRFEATURE_FORWARD bit is set, then any of the forward modes may work; the service provider has simply not specified which ones.

No extensibility. All 32 bits are reserved.

This constant is used both in LINEADDRESSCAPS (returned by lineGetAddressCaps) and in LINEADDRESSSTATUS (returned by lineGetAddressStatus). LINEADDRESSCAPS reports the availability of the address features by the service provider (mainly the switch) for a given address. An application would make this determination when it initializes. The LINEADDRESSSTATUS structure reports, for a given address, which address features can actually be invoked while the address is in the current state. An application would make this determination dynamically after address-state changes, typically caused by call-related activities on the address.

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