The LINECALLFEATURE2_ constants list the supplemental features available for conferencing, transferring, and parking calls.


If this bit is on, a "no hold conference" can be created by using the LINECALLPARAMFLAGS_NOHOLDCONFERENCE option with lineSetupConference. The LINECALLFEATURE_SETUPCONF bit will also be on in the dwCallFeatures member.


If this bit is on, "one step transfer" can be created by using the LINECALLPARAMFLAGS_ONESTEPTRANSFER option with lineSetupTransfer. The LINECALLFEATURE_SETUPTRANSFER bit will also be on in the dwCallFeatures member.


If this bit is on, the "camp on" feature can be invoked by using the LINECOMPLMODE_CAMPON option with lineCompleteCall. The LINECALLFEATURE_COMPLETECALL bit will also be on in the dwCallFeatures member.


If this bit is on, the "callback" feature can be invoked by using the LINECOMPLMODE_CALLBACK option with lineCompleteCall. The LINECALLFEATURE_COMPLETECALL bit will also be on in the dwCallFeatures member.


If this bit is on, the "intrude" feature can be invoked by using the LINECOMPLMODE_INTRUDE option with lineCompleteCall. The LINECALLFEATURE_COMPLETECALL bit will also be on in the dwCallFeatures member.


If this bit is on, the "leave message" feature can be invoked by using the LINECOMPLMODE_MESSAGE option with lineCompleteCall. The LINECALLFEATURE_COMPLETECALL bit will also be on in the dwCallFeatures member.

Note If none of the "COMPL" bits is specified in the dwCallFeature2 member in LINECALLSTATUS but LINECALLFEATURE_COMPLETECALL is specified, then it is possible that any of them will work, but the service provider has not specified which.


If this bit is on, the lineCompleteTransfer function can be used to resolve the transfer as a normal transfer. The LINECALLFEATURE_COMPLETETRANSF bit will also be on in the dwCallFeatures member.


If this bit is on, the lineCompleteTransfer function can be used to resolve the transfer as a three-way conference. The LINECALLFEATURE_COMPLETETRANSF bit will also be on in the dwCallFeatures member.

Note If neither TRANSFERNORM nor TRANSFERCONF is specified in the dwCallFeature2 member in LINECALLSTATUS but LINECALLFEATURE_COMPLETETRANSF is specified, then it is possible that either will work, but the service provider has not specified which.


If this bit is on, the "directed park" feature can be invoked by using the LINEPARKMODE_DIRECTED option with linePark. The LINECALLFEATURE_PARK bit will also be on in the dwCallFeatures member.


If this bit is on, the "non-directed park" feature can be invoked by using the LINEPARKMODE_NONDIRECTED option with linePark. The LINECALLFEATURE_PARK bit will also be on in the dwCallFeatures field.

Note If neither PARKDIRECT nor PARKNONDIRECT is specified in the dwCallFeature2 member in LINECALLSTATUS but LINECALLFEATURE_PARK is specified, then it is possible that either will work, but the service provider has not specified which.

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