The LINECALLREASON_ bit-flag constants describe the reason for a call.
This is a direct inbound or outbound call.
This call was forwarded from another extension that was busy at the time of
the call.
The call was forwarded from another extension that didn't answer the call
after some number of rings.
The call was forwarded unconditionally from another number.
The call was picked up from another extension.
The call was retrieved as a parked call.
The call was redirected to this station.
The call was the result of a call completion request.
The call has been transferred from another number.
The call is a reminder (or "recall") that the user has a call parked or on
hold for (potentially) a long time.
The reason for the call is currently unknown but may become known later.
The reason for the call is unavailable and will not become known later.
The call intruded onto the line, either by a call completion action invoked by
another station or by operator action. Depending on switch implementation, the
call may appear either in the
connected state, or
conferenced with an existing active call on the line.
The call was parked on the address. Usually, it appears initially in the
onhold state.
The call was camped on the address. Usually, it appears initially in the
onhold state, and can be switched to using
lineSwapHold. If an active call becomes
idle, the camped-on call may change to the
offering state and the device start ringing.
The call appears on the address because the switch needs routing instructions
from the application. The application should examine the
CalledID member in
LINECALLINFO, and use the
lineRedirect function to provide a new dialable address for the call. If the call is to be
blocked instead, the application may call
lineDrop. If the application fails to take action within a switch-defined timeout
period, a default action will be taken.
No extensibility. All 32 bits are reserved.
The LINECALLREASON_ constants are used in the
dwReason field of the
LINECALLINFO data structure.
For backward compatibility, it is the responsibility of the service provider
to examine the negotiated API version on the line, and to not use these
LINECALLREASON_ values if not supported on the negotiated version
(LINECALLREASON_UNAVAIL may be substituted).
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