The LINEFORWARDMODE_ bit-flag constants describe the conditions under which
calls to an address can be forwarded.
Forward all calls unconditionally, irrespective of their origin. Use this
value when unconditional forwarding for internal and external calls cannot be
controlled separately. Unconditional forwarding overrides forwarding on busy and/or
no answer conditions.
Forward all internal calls unconditionally. Use this value when unconditional
forwarding for internal and external calls can be controlled separately.
Forward all external calls unconditionally. Use this value when unconditional
forwarding for internal and external calls can be controlled separately.
Unconditionally forward all calls that originated at a specified address
(selective call forwarding).
Forward all calls on busy, irrespective of their origin. Use this value when
forwarding for internal and external calls on busy and on no answer cannot be
controlled separately.
Forward all internal calls on busy. Use this value when forwarding for
internal and external calls on busy and on no answer can be controlled separately.
Forward all external calls on busy. Use this value when forwarding for
internal and external calls on busy and on no answer can be controlled separately.
Forward on busy all calls that originated at a specified address (selective
call forwarding).
Forward all calls on no answer, irrespective of their origin. Use this value
when call forwarding for internal and external calls on no answer cannot be
controlled separately.
Forward all internal calls on no answer. Use this value when forwarding for
internal and external calls on no answer can be controlled separately.
Forward all external calls on no answer. Use this value when forwarding for
internal and external calls on no answer can be controlled separately.
Forward on no answer all calls that originated at a specified address
(selective call forwarding).
Forward all calls on busy/no answer, irrespective of their origin. Use this
value when forwarding for internal and external calls on busy and on no answer
cannot be controlled separately.
Forward all internal calls on busy/no answer. Use this value when call
forwarding on busy and on no answer cannot be controlled separately for internal
Forward all external calls on busy/no answer. Use this value when call
forwarding on busy and on no answer cannot be controlled separately for internal
Forward on busy/no answer all calls that originated at a specified address
(selective call forwarding).
Calls are forwarded, but the conditions under which forwarding will occur are
not known at this time. It is possible that the conditions may become known at
a future time.
Calls are forwarded, but the conditions under which forwarding will occur are
not known, and will never be known by the service provider.
No extensibility. All 32 bits are reserved.
The bit flags defined by LINEFORWARDMODE_ are not orthogonal. Unconditional
forwarding ignores any specific condition such as busy or no answer. If
unconditional forwarding is not in effect, then forwarding on busy and on no answer can
be controlled separately or not separately. If controlled separately, the
LINEFORWARDMODE_BUSY and LINEFORWARDMODE_NOANSW flags can be used separately. If not
controlled separately, the flag LINEFORWARDMODE_BUSYNA must be used.
Similarly, if forwarding of internal and external calls can be controlled separately,
separately; otherwise the combination is used.
Address capabilities indicate which forwarding modes are available for each
address assigned to a line. An application can use
lineForward to set forwarding conditions at the switch.
For backward compatibility, it is the responsibility of the service provider
to examine the negotiated API version on the line, and to not use these
LINEFORWARDMODE_ values if i not supported on the negotiated version.
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