The LINETERMMODE_ bit-flag constants describe different types of events on a phone line that can be routed to a terminal device.


These are button-press events sent from the terminal to the line.


These are lamp events sent from the line to the terminal.


This is display information sent from the line to the terminal.


This is ringer-control information sent from the switch to the terminal.


These are hookswitch events sent from the terminal to the line.


This is the unidirectional media stream from the terminal to the line associated with a call on the line. Use this value when the routing of both unidirectional channels of a call's media stream can be controlled independently.


This is the unidirectional media stream from the line to the terminal associated with a call on the line. Use this value when the routing of both unidirectional channels of a call's media stream can be controlled independently.


This is the bidirectional media stream associated with a call on the line and the terminal. Use this value when the routing of both unidirectional channels of a call's media stream cannot be controlled independently.

No extensibility. All 32 bits are reserved.

These constants describe the classes of control and information streams that can be routed directly between a line device and a terminal device (such as a phone set).

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