The LINETRANSLATEOPTION_ bit-flag constant describes an option used by address
The default calling card is to be overidden with a specified one.
If a Cancel Call Waiting string is defined for the location, setting this bit
will cause that string to be inserted at the beginning of the dialable string.
This is commonly used by data modem and fax applications to prevent
interruption of calls by call waiting beeps. If no Cancel Call Waiting string is defined
for the location, this bit has no affect. Note that applications using this bit
are advised to also set the LINECALLPARAMFLAGS_SECURE bit in the
dwCallParamFlags field of the
LINECALLPARAMS structure passed in to
lineMakeCall through the
lpCallParams parameter, so that if the line device uses a mechanism other than dialable
digits to suppress call interrupts that that mechanism will be invoked.
If the number is local but would have been translated as a long distance call
LINETRANSLATEOUTPUT structure), this option will force it to be translated as local. This is a
temporary override of the toll list setting.
If the address could potentially have been a toll call, but would have been
translated as a local call (LINETRANSLATERESULT_NOTINTOLLLIST bit set in the
LINETRANSLATEOUTPUT structure), this option will force it to be translated as long distance. This
is a temporary override of the toll list setting.
No extensibility. All 32 bits are reserved.
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