The LINETRANSLATERESULT_ bit-flag constants describe various results of an address translation.


Indicates that the input string was in valid canonical format.


Indicates that the call is being treated as an international call (country code specified in the destination address is different from the country code specified for the CurrentLocation).


Indicates that the call is being treated as a long distance call (country code specified in the destination address is the same but area code is different from those specified for the CurrentLocation).


Indicates that the call is being treated as a local call (country code and area code specified in the destination address are the same as those specified for the CurrentLocation).


Indicates that the local call is being dialed as long distance because the country has toll calling and the prefix appears in the TollPrefixList of the CurrentLocation.


Indicates that the country supports toll calling but the prefix does not appear in the TollPrefixList, so the call is dialed as a local call. Note that if both INTOLLIST and NOTINTOLLIST are off, the current country does not support toll prefixes, and user-interface elements related to toll prefixes should not be presented to the user; if either such bit is on, the country does support toll lists, and the related user-interface elements should be enabled.


Indicates that the returned address contains a "$".


Indicates that the returned address contain a "@".


Indicates that the returned address contains a "W".


Indicates that the returned address contains a "?".


Indicates that the returned dialable address contains a ":".

Note The ":" (colon) character will be added to the list of characters which can be embedded in a dialable string and passed into destination addresses. Attempting to pass it from an application to a line device that supports an API version less than 0x00020000 will most likely result in LINEERR_INVALADDRESS, or possibly in the character being ignored entirely. The meaning of this character is "Pause until a voice prompt is detected, then continue dialing"; it is intended for use when automatically dialing into systems that give voice prompts, such as long distance calling card processors.

No extensibility. All 32 bits are reserved.

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