The comm/datamodem device class consists of modem devices. You access these
devices by using the Win32 file and communications functions. Devices in this
class are associated with line devices that support the LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM
media mode, which is specified in the
dwMediaModes member of the
LINEDEVCAPS structure for the line device.
lineGetID and
phoneGetID functions fill a
VARSTRING structure, setting
dwStringFormat to the STRINGFORMAT_BINARY value and appending these additional members:
HANDLE hComm; // handle of open comm. device
CHAR szDeviceName[1]; // name of comm. device
hComm member is the handle of the open communications port. This member is NULL if
the port is not yet open or if the
dwSelect parameter of
lineGetID is not the LINECALLSELECT_CALL value. If a call is active, the service
provider typically opens the port itself to get direct control of the communications
hardware, but is only required to return a valid handle if the line is
connected. The service provider opens the port using the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED value and
then configures the port using the settings specified by the
lineSetDevConfig function. You can set additional configuration options for the device by
using Win32 functions with the returned handle.
szDeviceName member is a null-terminated ASCII string that specifies the name of the
communications port associated with the line, address, or call.
hComm is a valid handle, you can use it in subsequent calls to Win32 file
functions, such as
ReadFile and
WriteFile, to send and receive data on the call. When you are finished using the
communications port and preferably before you use the
lineDeallocateCall function to deallocate the call, you must close the port by using the
CloseHandle function.
When using the
lineGetDevConfig and
lineSetDevConfig functions, some service providers require that the configuration data for
this device class have the following format:
typedef struct tagDEVCFG {
COMMCONFIG commconfig;
// Device setting information
typedef struct tagDEVCFGDR {
DWORD dwSize;
DWORD dwVersion;
WORD fwOptions;
WORD wWaitBong;
The following is device configuration information for use with the
lineGetDevConfig and
lineSetDevConfig functions.
Sum of the size of the
DEVCFGHDR structure and the actual size of
COMMCONFIG structure.
Version number of the Unimodem
DevConfig structure. This member can be MDMCFG_VERSION (0x00010003).
Option flags that appear on the Unimodem Option page. This member can be a
combination of these values:
Displays the pre-terminal screen.
Displays the post-terminal screen.
Dials the phone manually, if capable of doing so.
Displays the modem tray icon.
Only the LAUNCH_LIGHTS value is set by default
Number of seconds (in two seconds granularity) to replace the wait for credit
tone ($).
COMMCONFIG structure that can be used with the Win32 communications and MCX functions.
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