Adding Tree-View Items
You add an item to a tree-view control by sending the
TVM_INSERTITEM message to the control. The message includes a pointer to a
TV_INSERTSTRUCT structure, specifying the parent item, the item after which the new item is
inserted, and a
TV_ITEM structure that defines the attributes of the item. The attributes include the
item's label, its selected and nonselected images, and a 32-bit
application-defined value.
The example in this section creates a table of contents based on the
information in a text file. The example includes two functions. The first function
searches a file for headings. When it finds one, it extracts the text of the heading
and the value that indicates the level of the heading and then passes them to
the second function. Headings are assumed to be in the following form, .[
n, where
heading is the text of the heading and
n indicates the heading level. The example ignores heading levels greater than
level four.
The second function adds an item to a tree-view control, using the heading
text as the item's label and the heading level to determine the parent item for
the new item. A level one heading is added to the root of the tree-view control,
a level two heading is added as a child item of the previous level one item,
and so on. The function assigns an image to an item based on whether it has any
child items. If an item has child items, it gets an image representing a closed
folder. Otherwise, it gets an image representing a document. An item uses the
same image for both the selected and nonselected states.
// InitTreeViewItems - extracts headings from the specified file and
// passes them to a function that adds them to a tree-view control.
// Returns TRUE if successful or FALSE otherwise.
// hwndTV - handle of the tree-view control
// lpszFileName - name of file with headings
BOOL InitTreeViewItems(HWND hwndTV, LPSTR lpszFileName)
HANDLE hf; // handle of file
DWORD cbRead; // number of bytes read
char szItemText[128]; // label text of tree-view item
int nLevel; // heading level
LPCH pch; // pointer to data read from file
LPCH pchTmp; // temporary pointer
DWORD i, j; // counters
// Open the file to parse.
if ((hf = CreateFile(lpszFileName, GENERIC_READ,
return FALSE;
// Parse the file looking for headings.
pch = (LPCH) LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(char) * 2048);
pchTmp = pch;
do {
// Read a chunk of the file.
ReadFile(hf, pchTmp, sizeof(char) * 2048, &cbRead,
// Parse the chunk looking for ".[".
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < cbRead; i++) {
if ((i + 2) > cbRead) // break if end of chunk
// Extract the heading text from between the brackets.
if ((*pchTmp == '.') && (*(pchTmp+1) == '[')) {
pchTmp = pchTmp + 2;
i += 2;
while (*pchTmp != ']' && ((i++) <= cbRead) )
szItemText[j++] = *pchTmp++;
szItemText[j] = '\0';
j = 0;
nLevel = atoi(pchTmp + 2);
// Add the item to the tree-view control.
AddItemToTree(hwndTV, (LPSTR) &szItemText, nLevel);
} else
pchTmp = pch;
} while (cbRead != 0);
CloseHandle((HANDLE) hf);
return TRUE;
// AddItemToTree - adds items to a tree-view control.
// Returns the handle of the newly added item.
// hwndTV - handle of the tree-view control
// lpszItem - text of the item to add
// nLevel - level at which to add the item
HTREEITEM AddItemToTree(HWND hwndTV, LPSTR lpszItem, int nLevel)
TV_ITEM tvi;
static HTREEITEM hPrevRootItem = NULL;
static HTREEITEM hPrevLev2Item = NULL;
// Set the text of the item.
tvi.pszText = lpszItem;
tvi.cchTextMax = lstrlen(lpszItem);
// Assume the item is not a parent item, so give it a
// document image.
tvi.iImage = g_nDocument;
tvi.iSelectedImage = g_nDocument;
// Save the heading level in the item's application-defined
// data area.
tvi.lParam = (LPARAM) nLevel;
tvins.item = tvi;
tvins.hInsertAfter = hPrev;
// Set the parent item based on the specified level.
if (nLevel == 1)
tvins.hParent = TVI_ROOT;
else if (nLevel == 2)
tvins.hParent = hPrevRootItem;
tvins.hParent = hPrevLev2Item;
// Add the item to the tree-view control.
hPrev = (HTREEITEM) SendMessage(hwndTV, TVM_INSERTITEM, 0,
// Save the handle of the item.
if (nLevel == 1)
hPrevRootItem = hPrev;
else if (nLevel == 2)
hPrevLev2Item = hPrev;
// The new item is a child item. Give the parent item a
// closed folder bitmap to indicate it now has child items.
if (nLevel > 1) {
hti = TreeView_GetParent(hwndTV, hPrev);
tvi.hItem = hti;
tvi.iImage = g_nClosed;
tvi.iSelectedImage = g_nClosed;
TreeView_SetItem(hwndTV, &tvi);
return hPrev;
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