Adding a Source to the Registry

You can use the default Application event log without adding your source name to the registry. However, Event Viewer will not be able to map your event identifier codes to message strings unless you register your source and provide a message-file name.

You can add a new source name to the registry by opening a new registry subkey under the Application key and adding registry values to the new subkey. The following code sample opens a new source name called SamplApp and adds to the new subkey a message-file name and a bitmask of supported types.

HKEY hk;

DWORD dwData;

UCHAR szBuf[80];


* Add your source name as a subkey under the Application

* key in the EventLog service portion of the registry.






ErrorExit("could not create registry key");

/* Set the Event ID message-file name. */

strcpy(szBuf, "%SystemRoot%\\System\\SamplApp.dll");

/* Add the Event ID message-file name to the subkey. */

if (RegSetValueEx(hk, /* subkey handle */

"EventMessageFile", /* value name */

0, /* must be zero */

REG_EXPAND_SZ, /* value type */

(LPBYTE) szBuf, /* address of value data */

strlen(szBuf) + 1)) /* length of value data */

ErrorExit("could not set event message file");

/* Set the supported types flags. */



if (RegSetValueEx(hk, /* subkey handle */

"TypesSupported", /* value name */

0, /* must be zero */

REG_DWORD, /* value type */

(LPBYTE) &dwData, /* address of value data */

sizeof(DWORD))) /* length of value data */

ErrorExit("could not set supported types");


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