Adding an Item to a Header Control
The following example demonstrates how to use the
HDM_INSERTITEM message and the
HD_ITEM structure to add an item to a header control. The new item consists of a
string that is left-justified within the item rectangle.
// DoInsertItem - inserts items into a header control.
// Returns the index of the newly added item.
// hwndHeader - handle of the header control
// iInsertAfter - index of the previous item
// nWidth - width of the new item
// lpsz - address of the item string
int DoInsertItem(HWND hwndHeader, int iInsertAfter,
int nWidth, LPSTR lpsz)
HD_ITEM hdi;
int index;
hdi.pszText = lpsz;
hdi.cxy = nWidth;
hdi.cchTextMax = lstrlen(hdi.pszText);
hdi.fmt = HDF_LEFT | HDF_STRING;
index = SendMessage(hwndHeader, HDM_INSERTITEM,
(WPARAM) iInsertAfter, (LPARAM) &hdi);
return index;
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