Basic Challenge Protocol
The basic challenge protocol provides the means for an LSAPI-enabled
application to verify that an LSAPI-compliant license system has given it legitimate
permission to run.
Every license has one or more keys, called
secrets, that the software publisher chooses. The publisher typically encrypts the
secrets within the license and only the license server has the means to decrypt
them. The basic challenge protocol supported by all LSAPI-compliant license
systems works on the principle of shared secrets: the application and the license
server share a secret value.
An LSAPI-compliant license system requires a minimum of four secrets, each 4
bytes (32 bits) in length. The application challenges the authenticity of a
license by requiring the license system to prove that it has one of the secrets.
The server can compute the correct response to the challenge only if it has the
secret. It must return a mathematical function of the challenge plus the shared
secret. Since the application also has the secrets on the license, it can
compute the correct expected response to the challenge and check that the server's
response was appropriate for the challenge. The secret itself never passes
between the application and the license system in plain text.
The basic challenge protocol includes a level of mutual authentication to
prove to the license system that the application has the selected secret. The
protocol also helps ensure that an intruder cannot modify the parameters the
application sends to the license system, or the parameters the license system returns
to the application.
Additional information about the steps in the basic challenge protocol is
provided in the following topics:
- Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
Software for Android Developers
- More information resources
Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples