Button Size and Position

A toolbar keeps track of its buttons by assigning each button a position index. The index is zero based; that is, the leftmost button has an index of zero, the next button to the right has an index of one, and so on. An application must specify the index of a button when sending messages to retrieve information about the button or set the button's attributes.

A toolbar updates the position indexes as buttons are inserted and removed. An application can retrieve the current position index of a button by using the TB_COMMANDTOINDEX message. The message specifies the command identifier of a button, and the toolbar window uses the identifier to locate the button and return its position index.

All buttons in a toolbar are the same size. The CreateToolbarEx function requires you to set the initial size of the buttons when you create the toolbar. When you use the CreateWindowEx function to create a toolbar, the initial size is set to the default dimensions of 24 by 22 pixels. You can use the TB_SETBUTTONSIZE message to change the button size, but you must do so before adding any buttons to the toolbar. The TB_GETITEMRECT message retrieves the current dimensions of the buttons.

A toolbar automatically sets the width of its buttons when you add a string to the toolbar that is longer than any current toolbar string. The width is set to accommodate the longest string in the toolbar.

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