Caching Additional Data Formats

When an IDataObject is dropped onto a file system folder, such as the desktop, the shell receives the CLSID of the object and looks for the list of clipboard formats to be cached in the scrap file. The list is located in the following registry location.


The clipboard formats should be added to the registry as the names of named values (the value should be empty). The additional formats give the user more choices when copying the scrap file and opening the Paste Special dialog box from another application. You should choose only useful formats to keep the scrap file from becoming too large. For example, WordPad scrap-caches the RTF format, and MSPaint scrap-caches the CF_BITMAP format.


HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{73FDDC80-AEA9-101A-98A7-00AA00374959}\DataFormats\PriorityCacheFormats,"Rich Text Format",,""

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