Character and Line Operations
The Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API) provides several messages that return
information about the characters and lines in an edit control. Most of the
messages return an index, usually a zero-based number, to refer to a character or
line. Given this, a single-line edit control containing
n characters, the line index is zero and the characters are indexed from zero
n 1. In a multiline edit control containing
m lines and
n characters, the lines are indexed from zero to
m 1, and the characters are indexed from zero to
n 1. Note that character indexing ignores linebreaks.
An application can determine the number of characters in an edit control by
sending the
WM_GETTEXTLENGTH message to the edit control. This message returns the length, in characters
(not including the terminating null character), of the text in a single-line or
multiline edit control. The
EM_LINELENGTH message returns the length, in characters, of a line specified by the
character index of a character in the line. The returned length does not include any
selected characters. An application can use these messages in a single-line or
multiline edit control.
EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE message returns the zero-based index of the uppermost visible line in a
multiline edit control, or the zero-based index of the first visible character in a
single-line edit control. An application can copy a line from an edit control
to a buffer by sending the
EM_GETLINE message to the edit control. The line is specified by its line index and the
first word of the receiving buffer contains the maximum number of bytes to be
copied to the buffer. The return value is the number of bytes copied. This
message can also be used in a single-line or multiline edit control.
There are unique messages available to return the information about a line in
a multiline edit control. The
EM_GETLINECOUNT message returns the number of lines in an edit control. An application can
determine the index of a character in a specific line by using the
EM_LINEINDEX messages. The EM_LINEFROMCHAR message returns the index of the line
containing a specified character index. This message is the reverse of the EM_LINEINDEX
message, which returns the index of the first character in a specified line.
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