Color Basics
The color capabilities of devices, such as displays and printers, can range
from monochrome to thousands of colors. Because an application may need to
generate output for devices throughout this range, it should be prepared be prepared
to handle varying color capabilities.
An application can discover the number of colors available for a given device
by using the
GetDeviceCaps function to retrieve the NUMCOLORS value. This value specifies the count of
colors available for use by the application. Usually, this count corresponds to
a physical property of the output device, such as the number of inks in the
printer or the number of distinct color signals the display adapter can transmit
to the monitor.
Although the NUMCOLORS value specifies the count of colors, it does not
identify what the available colors are. An application can discover what colors are
available by enumerating all pens having the PS_SOLID type. Because the device
driver that supports a given device usually has a full range of solid pens and
because Windows requires that solid pens have only colors that the device can
generate, enumerating these pens is often equivalent to enumerating the colors.
An application can enumerate the pens by using the
EnumObjects function.
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