Color Dialog Box

The Color dialog box returns the RGB value of a color selected by the user. The user can select from a set of basic colors determined by the display driver or from a set of custom colors. You must specify the initial set of custom colors, but you can allow users to create their own custom colors.

You create and display a Color dialog box by initializing a CHOOSECOLOR structure and passing the structure to the ChooseColor function.

You can partially open the Color dialog box to display the basic and custom colors from which the user can select, or you can completely open the dialog box to display additional controls that allow the user to create custom colors. The following illustration shows the fully opened Color dialog box.


If the user clicks the OK button, ChooseColor returns TRUE. The rgbResult member of the CHOOSECOLOR structure contains the RGB color value of the color selected by the user. The RGB color value specifies the intensities of the individual red, green, and blue colors that make up the selected color. The individual values range from 0 through 255. Use the GetRValue, GetBValue, and GetGValue macros to extract individual colors from an RGB color value.

If the user cancels the Color dialog box or an error occurs, ChooseColor returns FALSE and the rgbResult member is not defined. To determine the cause of the error, call the CommDlgExtendedError function to retrieve the extended error value.

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