Copying Information to the Clipboard
In the Label application, the application-defined EditCopy function copies the
current selection to the clipboard. This function does the following:
- Opens the clipboard by calling the OpenClipboard function.
- Empties the clipboard by calling the EmptyClipboard function.
- Calls the SetClipboardData function once for each clipboard format the application provides.
- Closes the clipboard by calling the CloseClipboard function.
Depending on the current selection, the EditCopy function either copies a
range of text or copies an application-defined structure representing an entire
label. The structure, called LABELBOX, is defined as follows.
#define BOX_ELLIPSE 0
#define BOX_RECT 1
#define CCH_MAXLABEL 80
#define CX_MARGIN 12
typedef struct tagLABELBOX { // box
RECT rcText; // coordinates of rectangle containing text
BOOL fSelected; // TRUE if the label is selected
BOOL fEdit; // TRUE if text is selected
int nType; // rectangular or elliptical
int ichCaret; // caret position
int ichSel; // with ichCaret, delimits selection
int nXCaret; // window position corresponding to ichCaret
int nXSel; // window position corresponding to ichSel
int cchLabel; // length of text in atchLabel
Following is the EditCopy function.
LPTSTR lptstrCopy;
HGLOBAL hglbCopy;
int ich1, ich2, cch;
if (hwndSelected == NULL)
return FALSE;
// Open the clipboard, and empty it.
if (!OpenClipboard(hwndMain))
return FALSE;
// Get a pointer to the structure for the selected label.
pbox = (PLABELBOX) GetWindowLong(hwndSelected, 0);
// If text is selected, copy it using the CF_TEXT format.
if (pbox->fEdit)
if (pbox->ichSel == pbox->ichCaret) // zero length
CloseClipboard(); // selection
return FALSE;
if (pbox->ichSel < pbox->ichCaret)
ich1 = pbox->ichSel;
ich2 = pbox->ichCaret;
ich1 = pbox->ichCaret;
ich2 = pbox->ichSel;
cch = ich2 - ich1;
// Allocate a global memory object for the text.
hglbCopy = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE,
(cch + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
if (hglbCopy == NULL)
return FALSE;
// Lock the handle and copy the text to the buffer.
lptstrCopy = GlobalLock(hglbCopy);
memcpy(lptstrCopy, &pbox->atchLabel[ich1],
cch * sizeof(TCHAR));
lptstrCopy[cch] = (TCHAR) 0; // null character
// Place the handle on the clipboard.
SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hglbCopy);
// If no text is selected, the label as a whole is copied.
// Save a copy of the selected label as a local memory
// object. This copy is used to render data on request.
// It is freed in response to the WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD
// message.
pboxLocalClip = (PLABELBOX) LocalAlloc(
if (pboxLocalClip == NULL)
return FALSE;
memcpy(pboxLocalClip, pbox, sizeof(LABELBOX));
pboxLocalClip->fSelected = FALSE;
pboxLocalClip->fEdit = FALSE;
// Place a registered clipboard format, the owner-display
// format, and the CF_TEXT format on the clipboard using
// delayed rendering.
SetClipboardData(uLabelFormat, NULL);
SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, NULL);
// Close the clipboard.
return TRUE;
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